Friday, November 18, 2011

How to Prepare Vegetables So Your Child Will Eat Them



Children, especially young ones, have more sensitive taste buds than adults. They are also very aware of texture. If vegetables are slimy your child won't eat them. Overcooked vegetables, such as green beans that have been cooked until they are gray, are not appealing. If your child is going to eat vegetables, they must be cooked right.
Watch for seasonal vegetables like fresh asparagus. Steaming these vegetables retains their flavor. Frozen vegetables are packed with nutrition and you can cook them quickly in the microwave. Children like color and colorful combinations, such as green beans and orange carrots, are appealing.
According to the US Government's My Plate campaign, half of a dinner plate should be filled with fruits and vegetables. That's a lot. How can you meet this recommendation? First, you can have vegetables on hand. When you get home from the grocery store, cut up the vegetables and put them in plastic zipper bags. These tips will also encourage your child to eat vegetables.
Cut vegetables differently. Your child may ignore zucchini rounds. But if you slice the zucchini into thin ribbons like spaghetti, your child may eat this vegetables. Toddlers are put off by large pieces and will be more apt to try vegetables if they are cut into small pieces.
Pair new vegetables with familiar ones. What is your child's favorite vegetable? Maybe it is corn. To get your child to try a new vegetable, such as carrots, add it to corn. Strive for colorful, eye-catching combinations.
Perk up veggies with herbs. Sprinkle Italian herbs over vegetables just before serving. You may also sprinkle the vegetables with oregano, the herb that makes pizza taste and smell like pizza. The smell, alone, may entice your child.
Add zing with citrus. Children like to be involved. Put a lemon wedge next to the vegetables or salad on the plate and ask your child to squeeze juice over them. Lemon butter also adds zing to vegetables.
Serve vegetables with cheese sauce. Cheese sauce is easy to make. Your child will be tempted to eat broccoli, green beans, carrots, corn and other vegetables when they are combined with cheese sauce. Many reduced fat cheese are available. Use a cheese sauce mix if you're short on time.
Sneak vegetables into your child's favorite foods. Add grated carrots to spaghetti sauce, sloppy Joes, meat loaf, and soup. Pre-shredded carrots from the grocery store don't work as well as freshly grated ones. Other vegetables may be added as well.
Serve pasta-veggie combos. Whether they are long, short, curvy, straight, or shaped, children are nuts about noodles. To encourage your child to eat vegetables, combine them with his or her favorite pasta. Sprinkle a little Parmesan cheese over the combo before serving.
Make every casserole a veggie casserole. Instead of fixing plain scalloped potatoes, make scalloped carrots and potatoes. You may also add peas, green beans, carrots, asparagus and corn to hamburger casseroles.
The best way to get your child to eat vegetables is to eat them yourself. As the US Government advises on its My Plate website, "Set a good example for children by eating fruits, vegetables and whole grains with meals or as snacks."
Copyright 2011 by Harriet Hodgson
Harriet Hodgson has been an independent journalist for 35+ years. Her 26th book, "Smiling Through Your Tears: Anticipating Grief," written with Lois Krahn, MD, is available from Amazon. Centering Corporation has published several of her books, including "Writing to Recover: The Journey from Loss and Grief to a New Life," a companion journal, "The Spiritual Woman: Quotes to Refresh and Sustain Your Soul," and "Happy Again! Your New and Meaningful Life After Loss."
Hodgson has two other new books, "101 Affirmations to Ease Your Grief Journey," and "Real Meals on 18 Wheels: A Guide for Healthy Living on the Highway," Kathryn Clements, RD, co-author. Please visit Hodgson's website and learn more about this busy author and grandmother.
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